Our Culture and Human Rights: The Challenges before Us.

This is an opportunity for a constructive engagement on some aspects of our culture and their relevance in the present day. We are trying to bring an end to the practice of the Outcast System in Igbo land. Outcast System is practiced in other parts of Nigeria and the world under different names and guises. It has led to unnecessary discrimination and stigma against some people.

I have written a book about the Outcast System which shows the practice as baseless and due to a lack of understanding of some of the things we know today by our forefathers. The well-written book draws from Science, Sociology and Religion to show beyond reasonable doubt why the discrimination and stigma should be abolished. Come and find out where we, the people of today, are guilty. We can do better! This outing is to make more people understand, especially from among our enlightened and great brains out there.

Interestingly, I am not an outcast. I’m therefore not speaking for myself; I’m speaking for humanity. Those of us who are not outcasts should lead this campaign because we are the ones responsible for its continued existence.

Please make out time to attend. Invitation is open. Kindly invite people in your network, Nigerians and non-Nigerians alike.

==> Unveiling Our Book.      Invitation is Open

Venue: Bilt Mansion, 4 – 11, Deptford Bridge, Deptford, London SE8 4HH
Date:   Sunday, March 25, 2018
Time:   6 – 9 p.m.
Buses (Pls Confirm): 47,    77,     54,    53,     177.
DLR Train Stop: Deptford Bridge Station

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This is a personal appeal to you to support the project to end discrimination and stigma among people. Please attend and also bring your friends. Some of those who have listened to us have their comments attached as reviews in this post: https://fin-foundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Book-Reviews-1.pdf